SSIR has an article in the latest edition, "Is It Time to Ditch the Word “Nonprofit”?", which suggests we need a new term to replace "non-profits". An alternative approach might be to stop creating non-profit organizations. Why do we have 1.5 million such organizations in the U.S., or roughly 1 for every 4 for-profits?
The obvious solution is to convert non-profits to social entrepreneurship. This was not an alternative considered in the SSIR article. Of course, the writer has a startup that raises capital online for non-profits. Except for some human rights issues, I think all the UN Sustainable Development Goals could be achieved by entrepreneurship.
To quote a saying I like, "non-profit is a tax status and not a mindset". Your social entrepreneurship venture can be a non-profit, although I would not recommend it. There is better capital access in a for-profit business model and business approaches are a much faster way to solve social problems. The more important issue is to make more business people realize their for-profit models can be used to address social problems. That would be a better article from SSIR than an article on the terminology of non-profits.