In the last few months various initiatives at MIT have signaled a change in approach at that university toward environmental problems. (I am not sure this is an institutional view and might just be the view of various groups within MIT.) No longer is there time for long term solutions and changing human behavior. Problems must be solved now before it is too late. Other organizations I am sure share this proactive approach which goes well beyond mere conservation.
A story on Medium, "How an Army of Ocean Farmers Are Starting an Economic Revolution", describes a new way to do ocean farming that immediately reduces environmental issues, but provides almost a balanced diet from the ocean. A point that did not occur to me until I read the article is that all life began in the ocean. Therefore the ocean has the ability to provide all the nutrients to keep us alive. Land-based alternative sources of nutrients required less energy so early man moved away from the ocean as a principal food source. Scaling may have also been an issue in an ocean food supply. As the article shows, the ocean can be a more environmentally friendly, highly productive food source with modern technology. We may have to go back to our origins to survive.