I continue to believe that we are in the early stages to downsize government. I believe that the private sector can take over many services and provide comparable or better services at a fair price. Better technology and communications infrastructure make this possible. Prominent examples to support my view include Uber, Airbnb and Bitcoin.
The problem is that the private sector and individuals need to take the initiative because the government will never willingly reduce its scope. In a reduced government model who might be the advocates for new positions and approaches. An article from HBS, "Do CEO Activists Make a Difference? Evidence from a Field Experiment" by Aaron K Chatterji and Michael W. Toffel, shows that business leaders might fill this role. The article states:
"CEOs can sway public opinion, and potentially to the same extent as prominent politicians. Moreover, Cook's CEO activism increased consumer intentions to purchase Apple products, especially among proponents of same-sex marriage."
Perhaps if more CEOs shared their opinions on social issues we could accelerate change and save the histrionics of the current political era. Might even get a sales increase from thoughtful positions.