A few observations I found interesting today:
- The Marlins sell tickets to businesses to use with their corporate clients. The Marlins have taken it one step further. The Marlins organize and manage networking events where all the season ticket holder companies can meet each other several times throughout the season. Very nice example of adding value to a product that has historically not been the subject of much innovation.
- A friend is an event planner, one of the best in Miami. She mentioned today she is planning a destination wedding for a couple from Australia. I wonder how many event/hospitality operators in Miami consider Australia their target market. I suggested to my friend that maybe she should promote herself as the event planner for destination weddings in Miami. Remember your customer and market is where you define it and get traction.
- Several people today commented on the challenges of transitioning a business from one generation to the next. Lots of "baby boomer" businesses being passed on to the next generation. Here is an excellent article on the subject that I saw today. If anyone needs help implementing the article's recommendations, let me know.