Since 2012 I have posted about 40 articles on design thinking.
Yesterday I met with the Founders of Design Thinking Miami, Mariana Rego and Jessica Do. These ladies are evangelizing design thinking through a series of practical, hands on workshops that they do regularly. Mariana first studied design thinking as an engineering student at the University of Miami.
Mariana is also the Miami coordinator for Launch Code, a program to develop qualified programmers and place them in jobs at local companies. Mariana reports that 70 companies have signed up in Miami to take interns as the first step toward permanent positions.
Yesterday I also visited Entopsis at the Hialeah Technology Center. Entopsis is applying artificial intelligence to medical diagnostics in a very interesting new way. The Hialeah facility is a very nice location if you need a lab or light manufacturing space for an early stage company and the rents are comparatively low. Also, very convenient to the airport.