Jerry Haar, the Director of the Pino Entrepreneurship Center at FIU (where I am on the Board), introduced me to Todd Oretsky, the Founder of Pipeline Brickell. Pipeline Brickell is a somewhat unique concept which combines shared space with mentorship and access to capital for startups and early stage companies. What makes the concept different is that mature high tech companies, such as Google, and services providers, such as IP attornies, also use the space. Looking for an expert on an issue, the answer may be just down the hall.
Pipeline Brickell has as well thought out office space as I have seen the world and beautifully done. Definitely designed for collaboration and creativity. Perhaps not surprising given that Oretsky came from the world class law firm of Skadden Arps. Oretsky plans to expand Pipeline to cities in Latin America and to link networking opportunities across multiple cities.