RWW has an interesting post on streams, as in information not fishing. Streams are defined as:
"A constant flow of information ordered chronologically and (ideally) topically too. In the near future, the theory goes, it won't matter where you enter content - a blog platform, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etcetera - because all of it will be accessible to other people as a stream."
The Wall Street Journal is an early adopter in the use of streams. Formating and style of their streams suggests that streams will look particularly good on mobile devices.
I have been intrigued by the idea of streams since this SF post in 2010, which I quote below:
"I think that where the web will evolve is toward a model where all your content will be generated from a single web-based app and you will merely choose what distribution channels you want to use (public, private, group, company, etc.), similar to the Google Reader feature "share". As soon as you can choose easily where content is distributed, Facebook and Twitter become much less valuable."
As I correctly predicted, Twitter and Facebook are fighting streams according to RWW.