I have written about a technique called "relax the assumption" here and here. Several people find this technique a powerful model to solve problems and innovate. When I do workshops on this technique, I always start by asking the question "why can't we timeshare dogs?" This question makes clear that you only relax the assumption about ownership and we have dog timeshares.
In a typical workshop I then ask how many new businesses can you create by relaxing one assumption about the original Model T Ford. Everybody thinks of customizing the car color and rental cars. I end the examples by pointing out that fast food restaurants is another example. Do not change just assumptions about the car but rather about people's lifestyles.
I have always considered "relax the assumption" to be a technique that I developed. This article from Big Think shows that my technique addresses what psychologists call "functional fixedness" or ingrained limitations in your thought about the function of something, such as a Model T. Now I have a scientific basis for my technique.