I have a series of presentations I do on entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and OLPC. Lately more and more speeches are on managing social ventures. Every once in a while I get asked to speak on a new theme from my blog, which explains my upcoming lecture on Friedrich Hayek. Previous posts on Hayek are here and here.
On March 14 I will be speaking on Friedrich Hayek, Nobel Prize winning Austrian school economist. The lecture is entitled "Friedrich Hayek Explains Social Entrepreneurship" and will be held at the Barry University Library in Miami at 12 noon. This speech will be memorable in some ways because it outlines the last 2 years of my thinking on education, economic development and individual empowerment.
On March 2 I will be speaking at FIU on developing a business concept and business model. Event begins at 830 and last 3 hrs. It will be held at FIU’s College of Business Complex Special Events Center, CBC 232: Modesto A. Maidique Campus 11200 SW 8th Street Miami, Florida 33199. Details here.
I will be speaking at the MIT Sloan School in Boston on March 6 in E62-223 at 6 pm. The topic is "The Complexity of Building Social Ventures".
Later in the month I will be speaking at Harvard Business School again and for the Pino Entrepreneurship Center. Details to come.