It has been quite a long time since I promoted my blog. This post on MonetizeD reminded me that such efforts are long overdue.
MonetizeD recommends a professional picture on the blog. My best photo is below.
MonetizeD recommends "list your important accomplishments, but don’t go overboard!". I have updated my iPad to the new OS 5 all by myself.....and the iPad still works my most important accomplishment in the last 48 hours. I will refrain from listing yet another speech, workshop or conference where I am speaking....because I did that yesterday.
The next MonetizeD point is "talk about how long you’ve been involved in this niche". I have been involved in attempts at humorous blog posts since the inception of Sophisticated Finance. All 20 humor posts are here. My favorite is here. For you new readers, the favorite post discusses the Hacker Universal Theory of Management "HUTM". Reminder: always have an acronym for a theory.
The next advice from MonetizeD: "you have to let your potential customers know that you’re totally into what you’re doing, and should show them why they should be into it, too. A picture will suffice to document my ardent support for this notion of "total commitment" to humor--my FB pic--Google's tribute to Jim Henson. A brilliant, elegant and funny piece of work, as shown below.
MonetizeD also recommends "give them top-notch stuff!". See the history of humorous posts link above or if you are really nerd like check out these posts on Excel modeling. If that does not satisfy your craving for intellectual stimulation, this post on game theory in economic development is surprisingly popular and this post on mathematician George Polya is approaching "all time favorites" levels.
Last piece of advice from MonetizeD: "Keep in touch. Make sure you give your readers each and every link to all your social media profiles." All of my social media links are here, on my book site. MonetizeD forgot to tell you to write a book, so I add this reminder.
All good advice from MonetizeD if you are serious about promoting your blog.
A short profile on what I do when I am more serious is here.