I have been promoting my book, Billion Dollar Company, for about a month now. I have received a lot of emails from people about the book and the ideas presented. Three themes in the emails point out ideas that I probably should have emphasized more strongly in the book.
- The emphasis on the different techniques to understand the customer need (Zaltman, Nintendo, abundance/scarcity) prompted existing business owners to go back and re-examine their business. I probably should have made the point more strongly that understanding customer need is an ongpoing process.
- Defining the key assumptions in the business model is a very effective technique for building concensus in the management team on the expectations for the business performance.
- Thinking systematically about pricing and distribution strategy in the business model is a mini innovation engine that has given people new alternatives for how to differentiate their businesses.
Thanks to everybody who has written me, tweeted about the book or shared posts on Facebook. I would like to ask for some more reviews on Amazon but those will come.